Songbird Bonne Chance by Brewery Songbird

Songbird Bonne Chance is a 9% Belgian saison from Brewery Songbird, based in Kizarazu, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and was first released in 2019, despite the bottle stating 2016. Songbird Bonne Chance is part of Brewery Songbird’s cool ship efforts, which saw them using wide, open containers with the aim of obtaining some locally occurring yeast and bacteria. It is also made form locally grown wheat. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Songbird Bonne Chance is a one-off or not.

Songbird Bonne Chance・ソングバードボンシャン

Disclaimer: Songbird Bonne Chance was part of a bottle share BeerTengoku part in. As such, we only had some of the bottle rather than the whole 750ml

Songbird Bonne Chance Aroma and Taste

Songbird Bonne Chance Aroma and Taste poured out a hazy golden straw colour with a sticky white head that clung to the side of the glass. After letting Songbird Bonne Chance warm up for a bit, there was some sour plummy fruity notes that came through which were really nice to smell. Very much a Belgian beer going on, with the yeast producing a strong Belgian funk that balanced out nicely with a wheaty nose in the background.

The initial sour body was a smooth, gentle tasting one with hints of plums, raisins, and a Belgian phenolic funk going on. At 9%, the alcohol was surprisingly well hidden behind the flavours of the yeast, and a hint of wheat just brought everything together nicely. The body was quite dry, almost sucking out the moisture from my mouth, and it would have been good on a hot summer’s day. Songbird Bonne Chance finished off with a lingering fruity edge, that faded slowly.

Songbird Bonne Chance The Bottom Line

Songbird Bonne Chance isn’t cheap, but it’s damn good.

Where to Buy Songbird Bonne Chance

Songbird Bonne Chance can be bought online at the following places:

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