Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA by Hitachino Nest

Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA is a 6% IPA from Kiuchi Brewery, based in Ibaraki, Japan. It’s part of their Brewbase range of beers, with this one being a collaborative effort between Daytona and Transporter – both lifestyle magazines in Japan. This is the second entry in the Brewbase range – with other efforts including Brewbase Eazy Ride IPA and Brewbase Crazy Hazy Baby. I wonder if they can make anything else besides an IPA?

Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA ブルーベースサイドキックIPA

Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA Aroma and Taste

Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA poured out a hazy golden orange brown colour with a plump white head on top. The head lingered throughout drinking, lasting right until the last drop. The aroma was rather one-dimensional, with a malty orange nose to it, with some hints of soapy lemon resiny notes coming through too once Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA had warmed up.

The body to Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA was more of the same, but with a slightly more “off” feeling to it. The soapy lemon body reminded me of some glasses that had not been washed properly, while the bitterness expected from an IPA was lacking. Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA felt like someone had one had a sip of an IPA, then forgotten what an IPA tasted like, and then tried to brew one from some random memory. It finished off with an orange resiny flourish that clung, unwelcomely, to the palate.

Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA The Bottom Line

I don’t know what the thinking behind Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA was – I don’t want another one that’s for sure.

Where to Buy Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA

Brewbase Sidekick Slick IPA can be bought at Seijo Ishii stores.

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Tim Maloney February 15, 2019 - 3:08 pm

Well, it now seems you’ve got another 12 American style IPAs from Brewbase ahead of you to try out on our behalf… but alas nothing else. 🙁

Rob February 27, 2019 - 3:04 pm

That’s Joe’s job now – have had enough of them.


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