Ise Kadoya Inazuma IPA by Ise Kadoya Brewery

Ise Kadoya Inazuma IPA is a 6% IPA from Ise Kadoya Brewery. It’s brewed using Polaris and Citra hops, imported from the USA.

Ise Kadoya Inazuma IPA Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya Inazuma IPA pours out a slightly hazy straw colour with a centimetre of bubbles. So far, so IPA. But whatever you do, don’t stand downwind of this one. I gave it a whiff in the name of journalistic integrity and it smelled foul. It reeks like a pint of diabetic Garfield piss. And nothing else. What the hell. What the actual hell. Who makes hops that smell like this, and for what infernal purpose? Or should I say infurnal purrpose. Oh yes. I went there.

So, much as I am loath to drink a pint of chilled moggy whizz, I’ve paid my money. So here goes. Fortunately Ise Kadoya Inazuma IPA doesn’t taste even a fraction as bad as it smells. Instead, it’s fruity and juicy, with an estery edge to it. It’s quite mild as well, and moderately bitter.

Ise Kadoya Inazuma IPA: The Bottom Line

Not quite the lightning strike the name would suggest. An inoffensive IPA with an obscenely offensive smell. Don’t bother.

Where to buy Ise Kadoya Inazuma IPA

Ise Kadoya Online Shop

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