Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin by Kyoto Brewing Company

Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin is a 6.5% Belgian IPA from Kyoto Brewing Company, based in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round series and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It’s brewed using Pilsner Malt, Maris Otter, Malted Wheat and uses Warrior, Chinook, Styrian Goldings, Willamette, and Centennial hops with Belgian Ardennes yeast.

Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin 京都醸造一意専心

Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin Aroma and Taste

Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin poured out a hazy golden orange colour with a light, frothy white head on top. The head stuck around before dissipating to some bubbles around the outside of the glass; however, that’s only because I let it last that long. The distinct Belgian yeasty estery aroma, along with some citrus punch rushing through. The lemon and grapefruit balanced off well with the yeast, producing an interesting mix of what could be described as lemon bread – weird but that’s sometimes the interesting aromas you get.

The body swung between being a Belgian saison, with a crisp, yeasty fruity body, to an American IPA, with a bitter citrus kick. At times, it was almost drinking a quantum mechanic beer. If I thought I was drinking a Belgian beer, then the American influence came through to remind me. And vice versa. Everything worked so well together it was hard not to drink this quickly on a hot spring day. I’m just glad that I had bought two bottles, yet I was still wishing that I had bought more. Or at least I could readily access Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin on tap somewhere.

Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin The Bottom Line

If you like Belgian beers and IPAs, then you’ll love Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin. Heck, you should just drink Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin anyway.

Where to Buy Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin

Kyoto Brewing Ichii Senshin can be bought at the following places

  • Kyoto Brewing Company

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