Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo by Ise Kadoya Beer

Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo is a 4% porter from Ise Kadoya Beer, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their Hanakin series of beers where Ise Kadoya harvests yeast from wild flowers. As the name suggests, Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo uses yeast harvested from tanpopo, known in English as dandelions. Like the other beers in the hanakin series, it’s unknown whether Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo is a one-off or an annual release.

Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo 伊勢角屋はなきんたんぽぽ

Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo poured out a dark brownish black colour with a large amount of fluffy off-white head. The head lingered for a while before collapsing in on itself, leaving a thin ring of bubbles around the outside. There was a slight funky yeast aroma to it, along with some roasted black malts and coffee too. The most peculiar aroma was the citrus-like one just lingering in the background.

The initial taste to the beer, well, was strange. The yeasty flavour came through first, with some coffee, chocolate, and black malts also appearing too. The body was a tad thin but at 4%, I didn’t expect anything else but a slightly water body. However, it felt a bit too carbonated for a porter for my liking and left me feeling a bit gassy. It finished off with a subtle bitter coffee and yeasty funk to it, that faded fast.

Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo The Bottom Line

The hanakin series have been interesting so far, but Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo left me feeling a bit disappointed.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo

Ise Kadoya Hanakin Tanpopo can be bought online at the following places:

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