Karuizawa Kogen Seasonal 2017: Session Wheat IPA by Yo-Ho Brewing

Karuizawa Kogen Seasonal 2017 Session Wheat IPA is a 4.5% session wheat IPA made by Yo-Ho Brewing. Such a snappy name. You’d expect it from the company that produce such hits as “I’m Sorry I Didn’t Ask What You Liked Yuzu Salt Session Ale” and “Fine Day Immortal Mountain Wizard Barley Wine”. It’s made using Yumekaori wheat, which is native to the Karuizawa region.

Karuizawa Kogen Seasonal 2017: Session Wheat IPA Aroma and Taste

So much to type, this name. KKS2017:SWIPA (Rob would definitely call it a “Swipper” if he ordered it in a bar, the fiend) pours out with a big floofy white head and a clear, watery appearance. The nose, as you would expect, is wheaty and hoppy. No surprises there.

It tastes pretty light as well, bitter and hoppy, with a grassy edge. It’s definitely been dry-hopped. It was great for summer but, well, it’s November when I’m writing this, but there might be some cans still out there.

Karuizawa Kogen Seasonal 2017 Session Wheat IPA: The Bottom Line

The pungency of the hops and the wheat really complement each other in this beer, and they don’t stink too badly like they do in Yorimichi. Drink this and it’s like getting the best of both pongs.

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