Shonan 27 Coffee Ale by Kumazawa Shuzo

Shonan 27 Coffee Ale is a 5% spiced beer from Kumazawa Shuzo, based in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of a collaborative effort Kumazawa Beer did with 27 Coffee Roasters, hence the 27 part of the name, and uses freshly roasted coffee beans from 27 Coffee Roasters infused into an amber ale base. At the time of writing, Shonan 27 Coffee Ale can be bought in bottles and also found on tap at Shonan Beer Bars.

Shonan 27 Coffee Ale 湘南27コーヒーエール

Shonan 27 Coffee Ale Aroma and Taste

Coffee beans. In an amber. Don’t know what they were thinking down in Chigasaki – Shonan 27 Coffee Ale pours out a peculiar reddish brown colour with a minimal amount of head on top. The aroma was a faint coffee though the caramel and toffee aromas were stronger than that. Not much else going besides those two.

Shonan 27 Coffee Ale didn’t have much more going on in the body either with a faint watered down coffee taste to it – like 10 parts water to one part coffee. It finished off with a creamy caramel kick before fading fast to a forgotten memory.

Shonan 27 Coffee Ale The Bottom Line

Shonan 27 Coffee Ale limps over the line as a drinkable beer. Certainly not memorable really at all.

Where to Buy Shonan 27 Coffee Ale

Shonan 27 Coffee Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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