Donryu Chroa Taboo Red by Donryu Dream Beer

Donryu Chroa Taboo Red is a 5% English Pale Ale from Donryu Dream Beer, based in Gunma, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round series and was first released in April 2017 as an addition to the Chroa range. At the time of writing, it’s unknown what ingredients or hops are used in the beer.

Donryu Chroa Taboo Red

Taboo – to talk about this beer or how it tastes?

Donryu Chroa Taboo Red Aroma and Taste

Donryu Chroa Taboo Red poured out a deep copper red colour with a slighlty off-white head that was frothy from start to finish. It had a sweet malty nose to it, with some earthiness to it; however, the buttery notes coming through once Donryu Chroa Taboo Red had warmed up were worrying. The buttery aroma only got stronger as the beer continued to warm up and led me to believe that this was infected. It wasn’t a slight aroma but a big hit to the face with a stick of butter that somehow gets lodged up your nostrils and nothing can clean it out.

I wish I had drunk Donryu Chroa Taboo Red cold as then I could have ignored the buttery flavours in the body. While these can be present in English bitters as part of the flavour, to have it so much during drinking was off-putting and while the malts produced some sweetness, it was a faint flavour unfortunately.

Donryu Chroa Taboo Red The Bottom Line

After a good introduction with the Donryu Dream Chroa IPA, this is just a huge let down.

Where to Buy Donryu Chroa Taboo Red

Donryu Chroa Taboo Red can be bought online at the following places

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