Kure Pale Ale by Kure Beer

Kure Pale Ale is a 5.5% American pale ale from Kure Beer, based in Hiroshima, Japan. It’s part of their summer seasonal range and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan when on sale. It’s brewed using four different kinds of aroma hops, though which ones they are is unsure as nothing is listed about them on the Kure Beer homepage.

Kure Pale Ale

Full of citrus fruit.

Kure Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Kure Pale Ale poured out a hazy golden orange colour with a medium amount of frothy white head – enough to give some semblance of life but not so much that it explodes up your nose when you try to sniff it. There was a strong pungent grapefruit and pineapple aroma coming off of Kure Pale Ale – with hints of lemons coming through too. There was a meagre amount of sweetness too to boot but it was blink and miss it. Once Kure Pale Ale had warmed up though, the sweetness came through a bit stronger after the fruitiness had eased off on the nose.

Kure Pale Ale suits to being a summer beer – the initial crisp bite of the beer had medium amount of bitterness to it that gave a punch but faded fast from the palate. Grapefruit and pineapple came to the forefront again with the lemony flavour being a close runner behind those flavours. A slight hint of caramel sweetness also came through during the aftertaste but I have to admit, I finished Kure Pale Ale way too fast by my liking. Everything seemed to work well together.

Kure Pale Ale The Bottom Line

It’s surprising that Kure Pale Ale is a summer seasonal as it such a tasty, easy-drinking beer.

Where to Buy Kure Pale Ale

Kure Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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