Ise Kadoya Hime White by Ise Kadoya Beer

Ise Kadoya Hime White is a 5% witbier from Ise Kadoya Beer, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their autumn seasonal range and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Ise Kadoya Hime White is brewed with the traditional adjunct of coriander; however, unlike other witbiers, Ise Kadoya Hime White contains yuzu peel, also known as Japanese citron, in the boil, instead of the traditional orange peel. Ise Kadoya have also used the same strain of Belgian yeast that was found in their Imperial Wheat Ale that they first made in 2009.

Ise Kadoya Hime White

Yuzu and coriander is a dream combination for me.

Ise Kadoya Hime White Aroma and Taste

I was bit slow in getting my camera out for Ise Kadoya Hime White so I missed all of the head action. There was a much larger volume of head on the beer than in the photo; however, it collapsed so quickly, that all I got was a small layer of bubbles. The beer itself though poured out a slightly hazy golden colour, though as it had been bottle conditioned – there was some gunk left in the bottom of the bottle – I’m guessing the haze was from the yeast bubbling a bit in the bottle. It had a Belgian phenolic yeast aroma, though the yuzu and coriander spiciness came through nicely and was balanced with a slight wheaty aroma.

I love yuzu and often wonder why it’s not incorporated more into beers such as IPAs, pale ales, or witbiers in Japan – it’s so intrinsically linked with Japanese cooking as it provides a nice tart flavour. With Ise Kadoya Hime White, that’s what you get from it, and with the coriander, it’s balanced out extremely well with the wheat cracker like flavour too. The Belgian yeast comes through with a slight phenolic kick that drew me back from the yuzu and peppery spiciness to it and with Ise Kadoya Hime White being so easy drinking, it was finished all too quickly.

Ise Kadoya Hime White The Bottom Line

Ise Kadoya Hime White is much welcome twist to a style often done but without much fanfare or evolution. Definitely pick this up if you come across it.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Hime White

Ise Kadoya Hime White can be bought online at the following places:

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