Preston Pale Ale by Preston Ale 

Preston Pale Ale is a 5% English pale ale from Preston Ale, based in Tochigi, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and can be found in bottles and on tap across Japan. Besides a lack of information about Preston Pale Ale, there is the obligatory awards it has won as Asia’s best pale ale in 2010 and Japan’s best pale ale in 2013.

Preston Pale Ale

A lack of information strikes again…

Preston Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Preston Pale Ale poured out a hazy orangey-brown colour and a finger’s worth of frothy white head, though it did collapse in on itself very quickly. With Preston Pale Ale being an English pale ale, and also being based on pale ales from the local area, it had the expected caramel malt aroma, with a hint of earthiness coming off the beer too. However, it did have unexpected hints of tangerine coming through, though what hops caused it was unknown as there is no information about this beer, anywhere.

The body was more of the same really, with a strong malt base of caramel being the main dominating flavour. Preston Pale Ale also had hints of tangerine and peach coming through once it had warmed up. There was no kick of bitterness, so those expecting anything American-like will be greatly disappointed. However, there was a residing bitterness in the aftertaste, with the orange flavours lingering on after.

Preston Pale Ale The Bottom Line

Preston Pale Ale is a solid English pale ale that is drinkable but not exciting nor outstanding.

Where to Buy Preston Pale Ale

Preston Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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