Minoh Stout by Minoh Beer

Minoh Stout is a 5.5% stout from Minoh Beer, based in Osaka, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers, and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. In 2016, Minoh Stout won the award for World’s Best Stout (Japan) at the World Beer Awards, so don’t let the massive sticker on the front fool you into thinking it won the World’s Best Stout award.

Minoh Stout

Japan’s best stout – not the world’s best.

Minoh Stout Aroma and Taste

Minoh Stout poured out a pitch black colour with a slight tanned frothy head that quickly collapsed on itself. It had a strong chocolatey and coffee to nose it, along with a slight burnt edge behind the aromas too. Pretty basic aromas for a stout and it seemed to be dependable throughout drinking – even when it had warmed up, the aromas were nigh on the same, if not for the coffee being slightly stronger. There was also a hint of vanilla going on as well but that only appeared once Minoh Stout had warmed up.

I guess Minoh Beer’s have always been reliable – every one I’ve had has had pretty much the same flavour profile, though the draft versions tend to be better. With Minoh Stout, it’s more of a case of the same. It’s not going to rock your world, nor will it convince a stout hater to suddenly start drinking them. Chocolate, coffee, along with a roasted cocoa finish were the main flavours that came through when chilled and when at room temperature, with little development of flavour. Minoh Stout left a slight acrid flavour on the palate, though when you use so many dark malts, that can happen.

Minoh Stout The Bottom Line

Minoh Stout is a solid, drinkable stout, though nothing special. I much prefer the Minoh Imperial Stout to this.

Where to Buy Minoh Stout

Minoh Stout can be bought online at the following places:

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1 comment

Darren April 3, 2017 - 11:52 am

Last year they won Gold in the Dry Irish Stout category of the World Beer Cup. The thing about those beer awards is they choose the beer that is the most ‘on style’. Which leaves out the beers that are doing something new and exciting within a style. I still really like this stout though. It deserves an award.


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