Ise Kadoya The Force IPA by Ise Kadoya 

Ise Kadoya The Force IPA is a 6.5% American IPA from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and was first released in 2017. Ise Kadoya The Force IPA is brewed using Citra, Equinox, and also Mosaic hops, with Ise Kadoya using the new equipment installed towards the end of 2016 to brew this as their first batch on the equipment.

Ise Kadoya The Force IPA

No Star Wars puns here today.

Ise Kadoya The Force IPA Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya The Force IPA poured out a clear golden colour with a large fluffy white head, that proved itself to be long lasting and also clingy – a sticky residue of head remained as the head went down. Ise Kadoya have managed to balance out the malty flavours – with a dry cracker like aroma – along with the hops that produced a large fruity aroma of oranges, peaches, mangoes, and some cherries too. As Ise Kadoya The Force IPA warmed up, the aromas become more intense but still remained balanced with one another.

The mango became danker – is that even a real word – during drinking, and the bitterness was present but much smoother than expected. The fruity bouquet was present with the oranges and grapefruit going someway into pushing the bitterness further in a citrus direction. While the hops were nice, the malt flavour felt like it had been subdued; however, there were hints of the dry cracker and slight sweetness that were so bold in the aroma. Ise Kadoya The Force IPA finished off with the fruits lingering in the aftertaste, along with a smooth residual bitterness.

Ise Kadoya The Force IPA The Bottom Line

I liked Ise Kadoya The Force IPA a lot – really a lot – with the smooth bitterness and fruits being well balanced.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya The Force IPA

Ise Kadoya The Force IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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