Hi no Tani Ninja by Hi No Tani Kogen Beer

Hi no Tani Ninja is a 5% dunkel beer from Hi No Tani Kogen Beer, based in Mie prefecture. It is part of their all year round range of beers and is brewed using ancient brewer’s rice and also black rice from Iga. The Ninja part of the name stems from the blackness of the rice used in brewing and as such, appears to be similar to the black smoke screens used by ninjas. At the time of writing, we’ve only seen Hi no Tani Ninja in bottled form only.

Hi no Tani Ninja

Perhaps someone got confused with colours as this isn’t that black.

Hi no Tani Ninja Aroma and Taste

Hi no Tani Ninja poured out a deep brown colour, akin to watered down espresso really, with a large frothy head made up of large air bubbles. As such, it collapsed on itself quite quickly and there was little lacing to it as the beer went down. The beer had a strong chocolate nose to it along with some caramel tones in there as well though there wasn’t any noticeable rice-like quality to it.

The body was quite smooth and had similar qualities to the aroma with caramel and chocolate though those flavours did seem a tad watered down as neither lingered on the palate. The main issue I had with Hi no Tani Ninja is that the carbonations was just too high for me as it made the beer rough on the mouth. It finished off on the dry side with a faint hint of chocolate remaining.

Hi no Tani Ninja One Line Review

Hi no Tani Ninja is a distinctly average dunkel with not much going for it.

Where to Buy Hi no Tani Ninja

Hi no Tani Ninja can be bought online at the following places:

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