Donryu Dream Chroa IPA by Donryu Dream Beer

by Rob

Donryu Dream Chroa IPA is an 8% double IPA from Donryu Dream Beer based in Gunma, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and is unknown whether it’s an annual release or a one-off at the time of writing. It’s brewed using 100% malt grown and from Gunma and also three different variety of hops too.

Donryu Dream Chroa IPA
It's 8% but doesn't taste anything like it.
Donryu Dream Chroa IPA Less
The head stayed right until the end.

Donryu Dream Chroa IPA Aroma and Taste

Donryu Dream Beer is a new brewery for us at BeerTengoku though they have been around since 1997. I came across Donryu Dream Chroa IPA on a random Rakuten buy. It poured out a light golden orange colour with a large frothy white head that lasted right until the end of drinking. At 8%, I was expecting some booziness to come through but nothing did – not even when it was warmed up to room temperature. How they heck had they hidden it?! It had a strong resiny pine, skunky aroma along with some smooth caramel malts too. Where the heck is the booziness though?! There was a wee hint of citrus but it was faint and fleeting.

Drinking Donryu Dream Chroa IPA was a pleasure – there is no other way to describe it. The smoothness of the beer was only letup by a bitterness that was subtle, though present when warmed up. There was some hints of caramel sweetness in the body that were balanced nicely with the pine and citrus blend that was going on. It left a piney bitterness that lingered before gently fading away. Yet, after Donryu Dream Chroa IPA had been finished, I knew I wanted more.

Donryu Dream Chroa IPA The Bottom Line

Donryu Dream Chroa IPA came out of nowhere to be a great double IPA

Where to Buy Donryu Dream Chroa IPA

Donryu Dream Chroa IPA can be bought online the following places:

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