Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager by Michinoku Fukushima Brewery

Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager, or in English Fukushima Michinoku Peach Lager, is a 5% fruit beer from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery in Fukushima. It’s brewed using locally sourced peaches, a symbol Fukushima prefecture, from the area and is available all-year round in bottles or on draft form.

Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager

Wonder if the Presidents of the United States of America thought about making peaches into a beer?

Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager Aroma and Taste

For some reason, when I picked this up from Nomono in Akihabara, I wasn’t paying attention to the label and didn’t know it was a peach lager. Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager does say so on the label but I guess I was in such a rush to pick up some beer and get out of Akihabara that I didn’t read it carefully.

It poured out a light golden colour with a fair amount of cloudiness to it as well. There was no head whatsoever to Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager but what it lacked in head it made up for in aroma. A huge peach pungency was present from the get-go and didn’t let up until the last drop. There was some yeastiness to it as well as a mild malt hint but it was all about the peaches with this one.

It would have been interesting to sit down with the twins and find out their reasoning for Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager as it was peach all the way in the body too – something resembling peach wine I guess with a medium amount of carbonation. A strange tartness was detected during drinking but I was unsure if it was deliberate or the peaches had begun to go off.

Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager One Line Review

If you like peaches steeped in alcohol, then this beer is for. Else, give it a miss as it’s too bland and one-dimensional to offer anything new.

Where to Buy Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager

Fukushima Michinoku Momo no Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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1 comment

Christopher Phillips March 11, 2016 - 12:00 pm

I think often the oils from fruit destroy head in beer. Another reason id never put a friggin slice of orange on my weizen (besides it being insane).
Yokohama brewery make a reasonable fruit ale called Tsunashima momo, using local peaches from Tsunashima in Yokohama. I think a soft, sweet, heavyish flavor like peach would go better in an ale


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