Tama no Megumi Weizen by Ishikawa Shuzo

Tama no Megumi Weizen is a 5% German hefeweizen from Ishikawa Shuzo that was once part of their all-year round range of beers but moved to a spring seasonal. It’s brewed using locally sourced water from underground and the final beer is left unfiltered and unpasteurized, hence a short shelf life for this beer. It can be found in bottles and on tap at the restaurants at Ishikawa Shuzo though recently it has become harder to find Tama no Megumi Weizen outside of the brewery.

Tama no Megumi Weizen

Cloudy and fluffy – a good example of a hefeweizen.

Tama no Megumi Weizen Aroma and Taste

I have to admit something first – I completely forgot about this beer in my reviews and only came across it when Evernote reminded me to update my email address. Thinking I hadn’t used it in a while (I’ve moved onto Google Drive for my notes), I came across Tama no Megumi Weizen in the notes along with this image.

Tama no Megumi Weizen poured out a cloudy golden brown colour with a fluffy white head on top that had a full-on whiff of bananas but only a subtle edge of cloves yet, mysteriously, there was a sourness to the aroma. Disappointingly, the head didn’t remain throughout drinking, instead collapsing in on itself quickly.

The body of Tama no Megumi Weizen wasn’t as carbonated as your usual weizen, so the flavour was lighter than a regular weizen; however, the creaminess more than made up for it. Perhaps the water in the area had added something to the water as the creaminess lasted right through until the end. I’m still yet to decide if I liked it or not really as it was most unusual. The aftertaste to Tama no Megumi Weizen was a light citrus one that was different from what I expected.

Tama no Megumi Weizen One Line Review

Tama no Megumi Weizen is an unusual weizen – perhaps because of the water or the ingredients. Not sure if I would drink it again though.

Where to Buy Tama no Megumi Weizen

Tama no Megumi Weizen can be bought at the following places online:

Tama no Megumi Weizen can be bought from:

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