Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale by Baird Beer

Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale is a limited edition 5% English style pale ale from Baird Beer that was first brewed in 2015. It contains Shinshuwase hops which were developed and grown in Japan during the 20th century – such a long time ago. Wet hopping refers to the process of freshly harvested hops being used directly from the vineyards without any processing nor drying. As a result, the fresh oils contained in those hops must be used quickly otherwise they start to break down quickly.

Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale

Fresher than fresh – these hops go straight in from the vines.

Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale Aroma and Taste

Back in October, there were plenty of “Fresh Hop” festivals across the Kanto region with many breweries bringing something new to the table. One of the first places the event was held at was Spring Valley Brewery in Daikanayama where Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale was first shown off to the public.

Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale poured out a deep amber colour with a meagre amount of head on top, less than finger’s worth which dissapeared quite quickly to a thin ring of bubbles around the outside. The aroma coming off of the beer was fairly malty, with caramel being the dominating aroma, but then it was an English pale ale; however, there was also a tiny hint of lemon and some peppery spiciness to it as well. Just. The malt is strong in this one.

The body was as malt-forward as the aroma too. A caramel flavour was mixed in with some earthiness that combined with the yeast sediment (it is bottle conditioned so expect yeast!) produced a bready flavour too. The hops though were severely lacking in Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale, but I have a feeling that it was the malt dominating over the hops as there was a slight bitter edge to it in the aftertaste. It was a drinkable beer but it was missing something – perhaps the hops?

Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale One Line Review

Perhaps the Shinsuwase hops were the wrong choice as Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale had a good malt profile but the hops didn’t really bring anything to it.

Where to Buy Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale

Baird Shinshuwase Wet Hop Ale is a limited edition beer. I got my bottle from Liquors Hasegawa

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