Kishimoto Saketen

Kishimoto Saketen Banner

Craft beer and sake, both on sale.

It’s been awhile since we’ve updated the online listings, what with having so many decent bottle shops a short train journey away, there has been little need to order online. However, we like Japanese craft beer from across Japan and after a search on Rakuten, I found myself ordering from Kishimoto Saketen, an online shop based in Niigata prefecture. Moreover, getting away from Rakuten led us to their own online store, which makes things a bit easier.

Kishimoto Saketen specialises in selling beers from Niigata as well as some breweries from the Nagano area. The range is decent, with the main breweries in Niigata, such as Echigo Beer and Niigata Beer, being represented along with some from Nagano, such as Yo-Ho Brewing, Karuizawa Brewery, Oh! La! Ho Beer, and also some breweries from other places in Japan, such as Iwate Kura Beer, Coedo, Unazuki Beer, and also Nippon Craft Beer too. The craft beers at Kishimoto Saketen can be bought individual, as part of a variety pack, or as a crate of twenty-four, so if you like the 90-day stout from Echigo Beer, like @man_japan does, then you could buy that. (Edit from Rob: If they still made it!)

Kishimoto Saketen

If you see this mark on the beer you want, then you get 30% off. A good deal there.

Two good points about ordering from Kishimoto Saketen are:

  1. Shipping is flat rate across Japan. A mere ¥680 which includes the cool shipping too, so your beers are delivered cold to your house;
  2. There is often a sale on products produced in Japan, known as the furasato discount, which nets you about 30% off of the price. Not a bad deal really.

The ordering process is simple enough on Rakuten though their main store requires you to sign up to a membership.

If you’re in the area too, they also have a bricks and mortar shop that you can visit and pick up the beers too.

Kishimoto Saketen Details

Open: 9:00 to 20:00

Phone: 0256-72-2446

Closed: Tuesdays

Online store:

Online store at Rakuten:

How to Get to Kishimoto Saketen

The closest station to Kishimoto Saketen is Maki on the JR Echigo Line. It’s about a ten-minute walk.

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