Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA by Ise Kadoya

We’re a bit late to the show with Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA as, due to my own fault and my OTT beer collection, it was languishing at the back of the beer cellar looking sad for itself. Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA is 6% American style IPA that was first released in February 2015 as part of Ise Kadoya’s limited edition range. If you hadn’t had guessed from the name it’s brewed using New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops.

Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA

Dark IPA colour. Very peculiar at first.

Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA Aroma and Taste

Yes, the picture above is correct. Yes, it is Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA and not an amber ale. Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA really did pour out like that. A deep reddish brown colour with medium amount of off-whitish head. If someone had passed me this beer in a bar and said it was an IPA, I would probably have laughed in their face and given them it back then tell them to get me a proper IPA. Uncouthness and rudeness aside, Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA did have a potent aroma of fruity hops, more of grapefruits than oranges, plied with a sweet caramel aroma too. There was a lot going in the beer, perhaps a bit too much though.

It’s in the body where Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA gets you, along with the Nelson Sauvin hops. They created a strong, no, massively strong grapefruit taste that was potent beyond words. No other way to describe it really. It’s a bitter, bitter beer that will either be loved or hated due to the astringent bitterness that pervades every sip or gulp. It’s a shame that it wasn’t better balanced as Ise Kadoya seem to have gone the high IBU bitter route with this one.

A week later and I still think my taste buds are screwed up from this…

Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA One Line Review

Ise Kadoya Mt Cook IPA is an unbalanced beer that is bitter. If you like beers that are bitter and taste like grapefruit, then this could be the beer for you.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Mt. Cook IPA

Ise Kadoya Mt. Cook IPA is a limited edition beer.


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