North Island Coriander Black by North Island Beer

Coriander / cilantro is a funny herb in Japan. Some people love it, others, like my wife, detest it, and can only put up with it while it is masked by other flavours, such as in a curry. North Island Coriander Black was immediately given a wide berth by her because of the word “coriander” on the bottom right of the front label. It’s a 5.5% herb / spice beer that took silver in the 2008 Japan Asia Beer cup.

North Island Coriander Black

Looks like a black beer. Tastes like a black beer.

North Island Coriander Black Aroma and Taste

I was warming my nose up for the on-coming assault of coriander by undertaken some vigorous aromatic exercise. Coriander leaves shoved up my left nostril, coriander seeds shoved up my right. Then change. My nose was ready. My brain was confused. North Island Coriander Black was opened.

But North Island Coriander Black didn’t smell much of coriander even though I knew what I was looking for. Perhaps the amount of coriander wasn’t that much as it is usually a potent herb. What little there was though quickly segued into a roasted coffee and earthy aroma. Not that I was going to tell me wife as she would have been at this beer quicker than I could have drunk it. The body though was a deep brown, almost black colour, with a good amount of solid, off-white head on top.

There was a smooth creaminess to the body of North Island Coriander Black that allowed the coffee flavours to come through strong but finish off with a little bit of spiciness that mellowed out quickly.North Island Coriander Black was a bit thin though on the body and didn’t hold the flavour as much as I would have hoped.

North Island Coriander Black One Line Review

North Island Coriander Black is worth trying but a thicker body would have helped support the flavours.

Where to Buy North Island Coriander Black

North Island Coriander Black can be bought from the North Island Beer online store here. I got my bottle from here and World Beer Market here though I have also seen it in Le Collier in Tokyo station. It can also be bought as part of a set from too.


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