Hakkaisan Pale Ale by Hakkaisan Izumi Beer

Hakkaisan Pale Ale is an American style pale ale from Hakkaisan Izumi Beer out of Niigata. It seems to have had an up-and-down history with reports of it being out of production then coming back around again in limited batches. It has an abv of 5% and Hakkaisan Pale Ale comes in these smaller, dainty bottles.

Hakkaisan Pale Ale

Is this a regular beer or a limited edition? Answers on a postcard to…

Hakkaisan Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

I had been on a small drinking session the day before and was in need of some hair of the dog though nothing overpowering as my taste buds and stomach were feeling a touch delicate. Pale ales tend of be a good, safe bet as while they do possess an aroma and taste, they aren’t known for being overpowering. I was hoping Hakkaisan Pale Ale would be kinder and more gentler than the imperial stouts had been the night before.

Hakkaisan Pale Ale poured out with a hazy golden hue and a fairly whitish head to it that was frothy but smooth. I was particularly pleased by the aroma as some American pale ales have been overly hopped to be on the cusp of IPA styles but Hakkaisan Pale Ale was malty with some dusting of hops just peeking through.

Whenever I see the word “American” to describe a style of beer, I’m always nervous as to how big and brash the aromas and flavours may be. Hakkaisan Pale Ale doesn’t suffer from that as he body was kind and gentle on my poor delicate disposition and the fruity body was neither overpowering nor just a smidgen of taste. The bitter aftertaste that soon followed dissipated quickly from the palate.

Hakkaisan Pale Ale One Line Review

Hakkaisan Pale Ale is a nice pale ale that is refreshing and worth trying though it isn’t the boldest nor does it have the strongest of flavours.

Where to Buy Hakkaisan Pale Ale

I got my bottle of Hakkaisan Pale Ale from Craftbeers.jp here.

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