North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great by North Island Beer

North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great is North Island Beer’s tribute to the late Masaji Oshita, the president of Minoh Beer. Who is Masaji you ask? That’s a story for another time, but he could be considered the godfather of Japanese craft beer. Bolder than most beers could ever dream to be. Anyway, North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great is a 6% pilsner brewed annually to celebrate his life.

North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great

That man on the front? That’s Masaji Oshita.

North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great Aroma and Taste

North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great poured out like most pilsners, with a clear golden straw body with a thin head on top that lasted long enough but dissipated once I had taken a sip. It was one of the bolder pilsners I’ve had the fortune to taste as the hoppiness was punctuated by a worrying aroma of, ahem, catpiss (thanks Colm!) that could be due to Simcoe hops. Why do I know what cat piss smells like? Well just be grateful I didn’t use the word taste.

It was more pleasant in the body but then what could be worse than smelling of catpiss? North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great reminded me of a cross between an IPA and a pilsner; light and crisp, but hoppy, citrusy, and bitter to finish off. It’s a weird concoction that works. Just.

North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great One Line Review

North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great is an interesting take on a pilsner though the hops could prove to be divisive.

Where to Buy North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great

North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great usually goes on sale from January onwards and can be bought from the Minoh online store. We got out bottle of North Island M’s Lager Masaji the Great from Yamaoka in Kyoto.


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