Sankt Gallen Amber Ale by Sankt Gallen

Sankt Gallen Amber Ale is strong 5.5% amber ale poured out a nice brownish red colour with a little head to top off. Aroma was distinctly malty with a slight caramel tinge to it. Didn’t appear to be too lively though that was to be expected for an amber ale.

Sankt Gallen Amber Ale

It looks reddish-brown. Like an amber ale should do.

Sankt Gallen Amber Ale Aroma and Taste

Sankt Gallen Amber Ale poured out a light brown dark red colour with a wee bit of head on it. Not much mind but enough to get it noticed. The caramel tones were the first to be noticed from the beer; however, there was also a little bit of hop as well that came through. Not much mind but enough to let you know there was something else going on.

The body was quite pleasant to drink too. Sankt Gallen Amber Ale tasted a little earthy with a definite maltiness to the body. The slight bitter aftertaste that lingered wasn’t unpleasant and didn’t stay too long to outstay it’s welcome.Even with the chocolate malt in the mash nothing really stands out for this beer.

Sankt Gallen Amber Ale One-line review

Sankt Gallen Amber Ale is an average amber ale that is easy to drink.

Where to Buy Sankt Gallen Amber Ale

Sankt Gallen Amber Ale can be bought online at the Sankt Gallen Online store here, else GoodBeer have it here, here, as do Le Collier here.

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