Sanuki Weizen is a 5% hefeweizen style beer from Kagawa Brewery, based in Shikoku. It’s available in both bottles and cans, though the labels vary greatly so make sure you …
Shikoku Beer
Looking for craft beers from Shikoku? You’ve hit the spot.
Umenishiki Pilsner is 5.5% pilsner from Umenishiki Yamakawa, based in Ehime prefecture. It is part of their all-year round range though at the time of writing, it is unknown whether Umenishiki Pilsner …
Umenishiki Bock is a 7% dunkler bock (or dark bock) from Umenishiki Yamakawa, and is produced all year round. For those interested in how it’s made, Umenishiki Yamakawa roast various …
Umenishiki Aromatic Ale by Umenishiki Yamakawa is a Belgian strong ale style beer from Ehime prefecture. Wait. Aren’t all ales from Belgian strong? I don’t know about you but all …
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