Nara Nuts and Milk by Nara Brewing

Nara Nuts and Milk is a 4% English brown ale from Nara Brewing, based in Nara, Japan. It’s part of their draft and canned lineup, though its availability at the time of writing is unknown. Nara Nuts and Milk is brewed using Maris Otter, Brown Malt, Munich, and Caraaroma, while also containing adjuncts in the form of lactose, hazelnuts, and hazelnuts paste.

Nara Nuts and Milk

Nara Nuts and Milk Aroma and Taste

Nara Nuts and Milk poured out an amber brown colour with a small amount of off-whitish brown head on top that faded fast to leave an oily slick on top of the beer. The aroma coming off Nara Nuts and Milk was nothing like an English brown ale – but then what do you expect with lactose and hazelnuts? The beer had a distinct nutty aroma to it, with a fairly sweet creamy nose to it. There was just a faint hint of caramel nose to the beer, but Nara Nuts and Milk is, unsurprisingly, all about the nuts and milk aromas.

The body was much thicker than the 4% would lead you to believe. With a large addition of lactose and hazelnuts, Nara Nuts and Milk was sweeter than your average brown ale, but thankfully there was a faint bitterness to the body that took some of the sweetness away from the flavourings. The lingering flavours were nutty and creamy, right through into the aftertaste, that would see Nara Nuts and Milk paired nicely with some dessert.

Nara Nuts and Milk The Bottom Line

Nara Nuts and Milk isn’t for everyone – the nuts and sweetness may be too much for some.

Where to Buy Nara Nuts and Milk

Nara Nuts and Milk can be bought online at the following places:

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