Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi by Yggdrasil Brewing

Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi is a 4% spiced saison from Yggdrasil Brewing, based in Hiratsuka, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their draft lineup, but due to Covid-19, it was also put into bottles, so it may not be on sale at the time of reading. Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi is brewed using imported Barbe Rouge, Strisselspalt, and Mistra hops from France and takes its inspratione from Sahti, a Finnish kind of beer.

Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi Aroma and Taste

Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi poured out a dark golden amber colour with no discernible head besides a few bubbles around the outside of it. The aroma was a jammy strawberry-like one, with some hints of phenolics coming off alongside a light dusting of malt sweetness. Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi had subtle spicy peppery element to it once it had warmed up somewhat – a very interesting amount of aromas going on for a beer.

The body felt a little thin compared to the density of the flavours in Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi. The jammy strawberry flavour paired off nicely with the slight pine notes that came through given that the beer had some time to warm up, with the Belgian yeast-like phenols being present in the background. Nothing out of place here for those wondering about those flavours. Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi was a very easy drinking beer, and at 4% lends itself nicely to a session of drinking. It finished off with a warming peppery undertone coming through the sticky residue.

Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi The Bottom Line

Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi is a nice little take on a saison – definite try from us.

Where to Buy Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi

Yggdrasil Mori no Nakamatachi can be bought online at the following places:

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