Ageuma Bock is a 6% German bock from Hosokawa Brewery, based in Kuwana city, in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their winter seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap at various places in Japan. As the name suggests, Ageuma Bock is brewed to a traditional German recipe and has also been certified as 100% organic, with 100% German ABCert certified organic hops, as well as the strict German BCS OKO-GARANTIE certified organic malts.
Ageuma Bock Aroma and Taste
Ageuma Bock poured out a dark brownish black colour with a thick tan coloured head to it, that clung to the side of the glass as the beer went down. It had a rich, earthy, caramel nose to it, though that nose did fade quite fast. When Ageuma Bock had been given the chance to warm up, it did also have a slight butteriness to it as well. For those people wanting some hops from their beer, Ageuma Bock didn’t really have anything going on in terms of citrus or tropical fruits – it’s all about the malts with this one.
At 6%, there was just a faint hint of alcohol in Ageuma Bock – I would have liked it to have come through a bit stronger to be honest, as the sweetness of the malts could have done with being restrained somewhat. While Ageuma Bock was cloying at times, the body was surprisingly quite thin. It finished off with a nutty, caramel flavour to it, but it faded fast.
Ageuma Bock The Bottom Line
Ageuma Bock needs some more maturation time to get the flavours to really balance out.
Where to Buy Ageuma Bock
Ageuma Bock can be bought online at the following places: