TY Harbor IPA by TY Harbor Brewery

TY Harbor IPA is a 6% English IPA from TY Harbor Brewery, based in Shinagawa, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found in both bottles and on-tap too. It’s brewed using 7 different kinds of hops, though which ones are unknown at the time of writing.

TY Harbor IPA T.YハーバーIPA

TY Harbor IPA Aroma and Taste

TY Harbor IPA poured out a dark copper colour with a plump white head on top – no way that you could mistake this for an American IPA at all. It had a strong earthy and piney nose to it that gave way to a buttery and caramel nose. There was the faintest of hints of citrus to it but it was fleeting and mild.

At 50 IBUs, TY Harbor IPA was not as bitter as most IPAs but it stood out well against the caramel sweetness of the base. TY Harbor IPA was smooth drinking – rather surprising really with the sweetness and bitterness going on – but as it warmed up, it did become a tad cloying. The butteriness reminded me it was definitely an English IPA – well it was that and the strong malt base to be honest! It finished off with a lingering bitterness on the palate, along with some piney hop flavour too.

TY Harbor IPA The Bottom Line

TY Harbor IPA is a well-made English IPA and worth finding if you’re interested in finding some more to drink.

Where to Buy TY Harbor IPA

TY Harbor IPA can be bought online at the following places

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