Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia by Derailleur Beer Works

Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia – besides being a mouthful to say – is a 7.3% strong golden ale from Derailleur Beer Works, based in Osaka, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia is brewed using plums, or ume, sourced from Yamagata. Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia takes its name from the famous Osaka chain of supermarkets called Super Tamade and the bottle depicts a shop attendant that the brewer once observed dreaming away.

Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia・ディレイラスーパーマーケット タマデ ファンタジア

Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia Aroma and Taste

Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia poured out a hazy golden orange colour with a medium amount of fluffy white head on top, which faded fast. Really fast. But the aroma more than made up for it – lashings of sour plums along with hints of honey and Belgian fruity funk made Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia a pleasure to smell. There was a subtle biscuity quality to the beer once it had reached room temperature as well.

At 7.3%, I was expecting a big alcohol nose to come off Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia, but it was all about the malts and plums. The sour plum taste reminded me of some lightly pickled umeboshi – a Japanese delicacy that involves fermenting plums – but the sweet honey flavour quickly balanced it out, with neither one of them dominating the beer. The beer was quite soft on the palate, which would explain the quickness of the head disappearing, though there was a lingering stickiness. Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia’s aftertaste was of sweet plums and honey, followed up by a sharp, but quick, sourness to it.

Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia The Bottom Line

For a “new” brewery, I was happily surprised with Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia, and would definitely drink more of this.

Where to Buy Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia

Derailleur Supermarket Tamade Fantasia can be bought at the following places:

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