Nagisa Amber Ale by Nagisa Beer

Nagisa Amber Ale is a 5% amber ale from Nagisa Beer, based in Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan. The beer is part of Nagisa Beer’s seasonal lineup, on sale from autumn onwards though that varies it seems from year to year.

Nagisa Amber なぎさアンバーエール

Nagisa Amber Ale Aroma and Taste

Amber ales seem to be having a resurgance in Japan – a few years behind the curve – but they are getting there. So why Nagisa Amber Ale is a seasonal beer is beyond me considering a lot of Japanese breweries already have amber ales on their regular lineups.

Nagisa Amber Ale poured out a copper brown colour with a large amount of fluffy, ever-so-slightly-off-white head on top that thankfully faded fast. There was a strong earthy caramel aroma to the beer with a slight cocoa nose to it. Interesting though looking at the colour of the beer perhaps some errant chocolate malt had made it into the beer.

A similar earthy flavour to the nose was in the body of the beer with a slight hoppy kick to it that faded fast. The sweet caramel flavours did bring some respite to the beer and made sure the hops weren’t the only thing in the beer. Nagisa Amber Ale finished off with a sweet taste that was neither bold nor lasting.

Nagisa Amber Ale The Bottom Line

I don’t know why Nagisa Amber Ale is a seasonal special – it’s neither special nor worth waiting for.

Where to Buy Nagisa Amber Ale

Nagisa Amber Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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