Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter by Hi no Tani Kogen Beer

Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter is a 5% porter from Hi no Tani Kogen Beer, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their spring seasonal range and can be found in both bottles and on tap, though why it’s so late after Valentine’s day is anyone’s guess.I drank Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter in 30c heat after the recent Osaka trip with this bottle being the last one left in Asahiya Bottle Shop, and with a dearth of information about it, the only thing special about Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter that I could find is that it uses chocolate malt to make a black beer – talk about stating the obvious.

Hi no Tani Valentine's Porter

How much can I state the obvious? Let me count the ways.

Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter Aroma and Taste

Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter poured out a pitch black colour with a slightly off-white bubbly head with flecks of tan in there. The head didn’t last long and fell down in on itself to an oily slick on top of the beer. It had a slightly rough cocoa nose, the type where you have boiled the milk and cocoa for a bit too long, interspersed with hints of roasted coffee and chocolate as well. There was a hint of yeastiness to it, with some of the yeast being seen at the bottom of the glass – I didn’t know Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter was bottle conditioned so that was my fault.

Japanese porters aren’t known for being full-bodied and Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter continued that trend. The initial coffee and chocolate kick just couldn’t be carried through long enough as the thin watery body just felt limp. The yeast made an appearance, no surprise really considering the cack-handed pour, in the body but this time it had a slightly Belgian-like funk to it. Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter finished off with an edge of bitterness and some hint of chocolate flavour but then I couldn’t be sure if that was me imaginging it or if it really happened.

Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter The Bottom Line

I wouldn’t be disappointed if I got a bottle of Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter for Valentine’s Day but then I’m not in a hurry to go out and buy another one.

Where to Buy Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter

Hi no Tani Valentine’s Porter can be bought at the following places:

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