Baeren Alt by Baeren

Baeren Alt is a 5% altbier from Baeren, based in Iwate, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. Baeren Alt is brewed to a traditional recipe from Dusseldorf in Germany.

Baeren Alt

A solid dependable beer.

Baeren Alt Aroma and Taste

Baeren Alt poured out a hazy copper colour with some sediment at the bottom. I didn’t know that Baeren Alt was bottle-conditioned so you’ve been warned. The sediment did quickly sink to the bottom of the glass though. The head was a light, fluffy, slightly off-white colour that lingered for a few minutes before collapsing into bubbles around the side of the glass that clung to the side of the glass until the end of drinking. Baeren Alt had a strong malt forward aroma of caramel though it strangely had a metallic aroma to it – having been stored in a glass…

Baeren Alt was even more malt forward in the body, with caramel coming forward with aplomb, but there was also a faint hint of floral bitterness too, coming from the Noble hops used during brewing. It tasted like an altbier; however, the body was on the thin side for me, and didn’t really develop further in terms of flavour or bitterness. It finished off with a sweet edge

Baeren Alt The Bottom Line

Baeren Alt is a solid dependable altbier – a tad sweet for my liking though.

Where to Buy Baeren Alt

Baeren Alt can be bought online at the following places:

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