Songbird Remains of the Day by Brewery Songbird

Songbird Remains of the Day, better known in Japanese as Songbird Hi no Nagori, is a 4% brown ale from Brewery Songbird, based in Kisarazu, Chiba. It’s part of their winter seasonal lineup and was lingering in my cellar for a while so apologies for such a belated review. It was first released in November 2015 but we’re unsure whether it will come out this year, or if it’s a biennial beer.

Songbird Remains of the Day

Deep brown but red flecks appeared throughout.

Songbird Remains of the Day Aroma and Taste

Songbird Remains of the Day poured out a deep brown colour with hints of red floating through it but that was due to the refraction of the light and, without wanting to make the obvious pun, the remains of the day’s sunlight coming through the window. It had a tan head to it which quickly deflated to a ring around the side of the glass. It had a pleasant roasted caramel aroma that was neither overpowering now sickly, but it didn’t develop much further than that.

After letting it warm up for a bit, Songbird Remains of the Day’s body was sweeter than I would have like for a brown ale. The carbonation was just at the right level for a beer – not too harsh nor was it flat. Like the nose however, the flavours didn’t develop much further than a sweet caramel flavour with hints of bitterness but nothing exceptional. The aftertaste of burnt toffee lingered on the palate for a few seconds before dissipating away.

Songbird Remains of the Day The Bottom Line

Songbird Remains of the Day never really got going past the stereotypical sweetness of a brown ale.

Where to Buy Songbird Remains of the Day

Songbird Remains of the Day is a limited edition beer so we don’t know if Brewery Songbird are going to release it again. Online places are:

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