Chateau Kamiya IPL by Ushiku Brewery

Chateau Kamiya IPL is a spring seasonal India pale lager from Ushiku Brewery that is on sale from mid-April onwards. Fermented like a lager, but hopped like an ale, India pale lagers are slowly becoming the new bastard offspring of beer. Chateau Kamiya IPL has an abv of 7% and can be found at the Chateau Kamiya grounds for a limited time.

Chateau Kamiya IPL

India pale ale…wait…lager…what?!

Chateau Kamiya IPL Aroma and Taste

India pale lagers are a “new” breed of beer in Japan and besides Baird Hatsujozo – that we “forgot” to review, there aren’t many other IPLs around. Chateau Kamiya IPL has a weird pour in that it didn’t show off much life, in fact I was so worried about it exploding that I poured it over the sink, just in case the carbonation and hops and colluded to produce a bomb. There was nothing to worry about besides bubbles of gas going up my nostrils. The citrus hop aroma was carried up nicely along with some faint hints of hops. It was peculiar to watch Chateau Kamiya IPL in the glass as the bubbles vigorously made their way to the top.

The carbonation and hops in Chateau Kamiya IPL were fantastic which started off with a mellow sweetness followed up by a hoppy citrus bitterness every single time. It’s not a beer that evolves as it warms up, if anything, it’s best served slightly chilled as noone really likes warm carbonated beverages really. The bitterness from the hops created a good foil for the carbonation – crisp, light, and bitter with a small amount of pine flavour present too.

Chateau Kamiya IPL One Line Review

To say Chateau Kamiya IPL is easy drinking would be doing it a disservice. Lots of beers are easy drinking but this was a delicious easy drinking beer.

Where to Buy Chateau Kamiya IPL

Chateau Kamiya IPL can only be bought at the Chateau Kamiya onsite store or their online store.

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