Brimmer Golden Ale by Brimmer Brewing

Here at BeerTengoku, we love us some draft beers but once in a while, we’d love those draft beers to come in bottles so we can drink at home. Brimmer Golden Ale is one of those beers that we want and we got one. It is a golden ale that has been nominated as Brimmer’s session ale and at 5.5%, Brimmer Golden Ale is stretching the term “session ale” to its limits.

Brimmer Golden Ale

A 5.5% session ale. Don’t expect to knock too many back.

Brimmer Golden Ale Aroma and Taste

We’ve had Brimmer Golden Ale before at Brimmer Beer Box in Omotesando but were put off from buying any bottles as they were ¥700 without the points card. A bit of a stretch really but eventually we got a bottle. And Brimmer Golden Ale poured pretty much like it does on draft. A hazy orange straw colour with a one-finger white head that lasted a few minutes before disappearing away to a thin rim around the ridge. The hops and malt coming off Brimmer Golden Ale were noticeable instantly and were laced with some subtle fruity aromas too.

It was easy to see why Brimmer Golden Ale is their session beer though as it’s so easy drinking that you could easily chat away without realising how many of these you have put away. The flavour is stronger than your regular golden ale, with the hops generating citrus and orange tastes that become bitter as the beer moves along. The dryness also lends itself to quick-drinking because as soon as you’ve had a sip, you want another.

Brimmer Golden Ale One Line Review

Brimmer Golden Ale is a solid golden ale that is easily drinkable though dangerous as a session beer.

Where to Buy Brimmer Golden Ale

Brimmer Golden Ale can be bought to take home from Brimmer Beer Box. We got out bottle from World Beer Market in Kita-Senju though we have seen it at Nomono and Le Collier and also in World Gourmet in Yokohama.

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