Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA by Kiuchi Brewery

Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA is a 6% fruit beer from Kiuchi Brewery brewed using oranges along with a traditional English IPA style recipe that was first released in August 2013. The oranges, known as fukure mikan, are sourced from the surrounding area of the Kiuchi Brewery from Yasato village, located at the foothills of Mt. Tsukuba. The orange’s history stems back over 1300 years and is a wild Japanese breed.

Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA

Nope, I’m not telling you to die strongly when I ask you for this beer.

Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA Aroma and Taste

Along with the Baird Bakayaro beer, Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA is a difficult and strange beer to order. For English speakers, noone is telling you to die strongly. It’s an old joke and one has been done repeatedly so I thought I w0uld jump on the bandwagon.

Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA had a deep orange brown body that was topped off with the merest of heads of less than a finger. Never having had the fukure mikan orange before, I don’t honestly know how to describe the aroma accurately enough. It smelt like a navel orange – you know the ones that have got a belly button like thing at the bottom/top – mixed in with some caramel and a bit of butter too. A bit of a weird one really and then suddenly the lemony hops punctuate through. A weird introduction to a supposed American IPA.

There was as much, if not more, going on in the body than in the aroma. The oranges lent a Bucks Fizz (champagne and orange juice) feel to Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA though nowhere near as much carbonation was going on so the body was smoother and more English IPA like than American. The caramel malt taste was again present as were the hops but more piney than citrus. There was also a distinct lack of bitterness that you would expect from an American IPA too, though that’s not to say it was lacking entirely as there was some. Just.

Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA One Line Review

Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA is a confusing beer. Is it an American IPA or an English IPA or is it its own style entirely?

Where to Buy Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA

Hitachino Nest DAi DAi IPA can be bought from the following places:

And the following stores (by no means a comprehensive list)

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Christopher Phillips January 27, 2016 - 1:12 pm

It’s a fruit ale.
I’m always amazed at however fresh this beer is supposed to be, they at nest always manage to make it taste like it is 6 months old.
Otherwise, this could be a really good fruit ale. now it tastes like it should be fresher. Perhaps all that darker caramel in there. I assume c40 or a little c60.

Oliver January 29, 2016 - 11:22 pm

I just drank a bottle, but I hardly tasted the mikan. There was some hint of fruit or coriander, but basically this is a nice-tasting IPA (or just an ale?) with some hops and malts, but otherwise no fruity taste. If “mikan” would not have been written on the bottle, I would not have noticed it.

Darren February 14, 2017 - 11:07 am

A slightly juicy New England style IPA, I would say. Kind of in it’s own class. Really nicely balanced. This beer does it for me.


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