What is a wallonian pils if not a beer from Wallanoia? Passific Nero is an example of one but can’t find any others in Japan.
Kanagawa Beer
Looking for craft beers from Kanagawa? You’ve hit the spot.
Do hops help remove poisons from the body? Who knows but maybe trying some Passific Poison Remover for science will help find the answer.
Lagers are making a return with craft beer but at this price, I’m happy with a local macro lager for a bigger can. Shame as Passific Lager is a nice …
Grapes and stouts are not a combination that are seen together but Sankt Gallen have tried to bring them together with their 2022 Valentine’s Day effort.
Went down to Passific Brewing for a taproom opening at the end of January which of course meant having some beers.
Pink because of flowers and not because of the addition of fruit. Worth finding a can of Yorocco Flor de Jamaica in the summer if you can.
It’s not often Kamakura Beer come out with a new beer and I came across this on a random cycling tour around Kanagawa one day.
Bay Brewing White Cat IPA is a 7.5% American IPA from Yokohama Bay Brewing, based in Yokohama, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found …
TDM 1874 NZ IPA is a 6.5% American IPA from TDM 1874 NZ IPA, based in Tokaichiba, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, though its …
TDM 1874 The Whole World Window is an 8.5% double IPA from TDM 1874 Brewery, based in Tokaichiba, in Kanagawa, Japan. It can be found in both cans and on …