Ushitora Fujin is a 7.3% American IPA from Ushitora Brewing, based in Tochigi, Japan. It’s part of their special lineup from Uetake-san but the most surprising thing about it is …
Draft Beer
Looking for Japanese craft beers that are draft only? Then look no further.
Y Market Barley Bouquet Oktoberfest is a 5.7% oktoberfest beer from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal lineup of craft beer and at the …
Nihonkai Club Dark Lager is a 5% Czech-style dark lager, sometimes referred to as a dunkel or a tmavý style beer from Nihonkai Beer Club, based in Ishikawa, Japan. Nihonkai Club Dark …
Coedo Marihana is a 4.5% session IPA from Coedo, based in Saitama, Japan. It first came on sale in 2014 as part of their Spring / Summer seasonal beer range …
Kyoto Brewing Berugii kara no Chouhouin is a 5% amber ale from Kyoto Brewing Company, based in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range, and is brewed using Pilsner, …
Kyoto Ichii Senshin is a 6.5% Belgian IPA from Kyoto Brewing Company, based in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their year-round range of draft beer, with “ichii senshin” roughly translating …
Ushitora Virgin Trip IPA, or #113 Virgin Trip IPA to give it its official designation, is a 7.2% American IPA brewed by Ushitora Brewing, based on Tochigi, Japan. Like pretty much …
Kobushi Hana Strong IPA is a 7.5% English IPA from Hanyu Brewery, based in Saitama, Japan. It’s part of their draft only range and that’s about it for all we could …
Outsider Bunyip IPA is 6.5% English IPA from Outsider Brewing, based in Kofu, Yamanashi. It’s part of their all-year round range of draft beer, though there are no plans at …
Y Market Japanese Roast Ale is a 5.8% American-style brown ale from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. It’s brewed using imported Cascade, Centennial, and Citra hops from …