Monkey Barleywine is a 12% barleywine from Monkey Mountain Brewing based in Oita, located in Kyushu, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles …
Barley wine
Looking for Japanese barley wine craft beers? Then look no further.
Barley wines. Some regard it as the “peak” of craft beer (personally I prefer imperial stouts) with its merging of flavours and the strong drink of choice for any beer …
Nasu Kogen Nine Tailed Fox is an 11% barley wine from Nasu Kohgen Beer. It’s billed as a “Vintage Beer”, has a whopping TWENTY FIVE year expiration date and comes …
Shonan Beer Tengu Barrel Aged Barley Wine (2017) is a 12% barrel aged barley wine from Kumazawa Brewing. It’s aged in Ichiro’s Malt whiskey barrels. This is the 2017 release …
Swan Lake Barrel Aged Barley Wine is an 11% barley wine from Hyouko Yashiki No Mori, based in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of their winter line up of beers can be …
Hansharo Sumeragi is a 10% Barleywine from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their winter seasonal lineup though it was first released in December 2016. The most …
Kure Barley Wine is a 9% barleywine from Kure Beer, based in Hiroshima, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal lineup of craft beer and can be found on sale from …
Baird Ganko Oyaji Barley Wine is an 11% barley wine from Baird Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal line up and can be found in bottles …
Cuve La Pomme 2012 is a barrel aged barley wine from Oh! La! Ho Beer with a whopping 15% ABV. It’s made with Nagano apples and champagne yeast, and aged …
Minamishinshu Wonder Barley Akane is an 8.5% barleywine from Minamishinshu Beer Company, based in Nagano. It’s a collaborative beer with WoWoW TV network, which goes somewhere in explaining the random English phrases …