Mitaka Pale Ale by Oga Brewing Company

Mitaka Pale Ale is a 5% American Pale Ale from Oga Brewing Company, based in Mitaka, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Mitaka Pale Ale is brewed using Pilsner malt, Red malt, and Pale malt, with the hops being imported Cascade, Chinook, and Mosaic.

Mitaka Pale Ale・三鷹ペール・エールMitaka Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Do not adjust your screens – this is honestly how the beer turned out. I had to do a double take on the best before date on the label on the bottle, but it had been brewed and bottled late December 2019 and had a 6 month shelf life. I assume that this is supposed to be an American pale ale, but just from looks alone, I had to say it looked nothing like one. A deep amber colour with a plump slightly off-white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. If Oga Brewing Company had used hops in Mitaka Pale Ale then they were hidden well behind the butteriness to the beer. Not a single semblance of any hop came through that butter nose – a shame really as I like Mosaic hops a lot.

Mitaka Pale Ale’s body was more of the same – a huge butteriness to it that was neither soft nor smooth – in fact it was just downright disgusting. It pains me to think how much Oga Brewing Company spent on hops to make this beer – money wasted if you ask me and hops that have had their short life wasted.

Mitaka Pale Ale The Bottom Line

This was always going to be a drain pour from that first smell. Glad to see my expectations were not disappointed.

Where to Buy Mitaka Pale Ale

Mitaka Pale Ale can only be bought at the brewery at the time of writing.

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